Rich Snippet with G+ map for brand keywords

The majority of websites have a brand search traffic, a traffic that is generated by the brand name of the company /website or by the name of its products. Usually this name is unique and it can generate close to 40% of all traffic if you have a high customer retention / return rate.

rich snippet brand keyword

Google gives an opportunity to get not only advanced search snippet for your website by brand keywords (usually it consists of only additional references), but also additional pieces of information from your G+ account for local business. That includes: logo, geographical location, address, phone numbers, type of business, business hours and also feedbacks about your company.

Map SEPRs example

In order to receive these search results you need to go to webpage and add your company. It is very important to fill in 90% of information about the company and add obligatory elements like logo, address, type of business, phone number and business hours.

Besides, if you are a local company – filled out G+ account will help your website to appear in the map search results as well as on the map. For this to be done, it is important for you to add company-related keywords to the company name field and short description of your company. One of the advantages of this method is that it is much easier to rank higher than your competitors even by being in the map results. For this you only need to do the following:

  • 1. Register at local listings of your region
  • 2. Fill in all fields in the G+ account (for local business account).
  • 3. Get real feedback from real users of your region (for local business account).
  • 4. Implement Rel=Publisher Tag (Google says that this tag will help you to get better positions on the maps).
  • 5. Add your website to your business information by following

How to implement Rel=Publisher Tag

On your website’s main page insection of HTML code add the following tag: <link href=”” rel=”publisher” /> that points to your google plus page.

Rich snippet will be showed for brand name only. Mixed domain keywords will not trigger the rich snippet.